Mark A. Martin
0610 SW Nevada St Apt H, Portland, OR 97219
Web Technologies
HTML 1.x-4.x, CSS, Javascript, HTTP 1.x, CGI, Java.
Web Servers
Apache 1.2.x and 1.3.x, Netscape Commerce Server, NCSA httpd 1.2.x
and 1.3.x
Web Browsers
Netscape Navigator 1.x-6.x, Microsoft Internet Explorer 1.x-6.x, AOL,
Mozilla, Galeon, Konqueror, NCSA Mosaic 1.x and greater, Amaya, lynx, links.
GIMP, ImageMagick, xfig, gd,, XV, POV-Ray, GNU plotutils,
pstoedit, CorelDraw, various paint tools.
I am proficient with a wide array of web servers, web browsers,
graphics software, and web technologies. I began developing my web
at the University of Washington in 1994 and have used my site as a forum for presenting personal and professional information and for experimenting with web technologies.
As an assistant systems administrator for the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Washington in late 1995 and early 1996, I helped maintain the departmental web server and designed, constructed, and maintained portions of the departmental web site
In 1996 and 1997, as a UNIX systems administrator for Boeing Information and Support Services, I created a tool for remotely retrieving and graphically presenting system information over the company's intranet.
1994 - Present
Beyond the uses that are currently apparent, I have used it to
Integrated Genomics, Inc.
CGI tool for monitoring UNIX systems over Boeing's intranet
I also installed, configured, and maintained the NCSA httpd web servers
that I used to develop and run the tool.
Created variants of my web site under Apache on Linux and Fnord! on
Windows 95
Late 1995 - Early 1996
Designed, implemented, and maintained portions of the
University of Washington Department of Applied Mathematics web site
and provides links to
I implemented and maintained most of this portion of the web site
during my time as an assistant systems administrator for the
department. See
Administration for more information.
I develop my site using an Apache 1.3.x server running under Linux but
maintain it at the URL above. My site
Installed, configured, and maintained the Apache 1.3.x web server that
was part of our project to create software for mathematically modeling
organisms as networks of metabolic reactions and for maintaining the
company's collection of biochemical pathways.
As a UNIX systems administrator for Boeing Information and Support
Services, I created a tool for remotely gathering and viewing plots
of system quantities as functions of time. The tool consisted of
a small perl server script that ran on each monitored system and a perl
CGI script, which was a client to the server scripts and was operated
through an HTML form. When a user submitted the form, the CGI script
gathered SAR (System Activity Report) data from the specified server
script and displayed the data as a GIF plot in the user's web browser.
The tool included its own plotting routine based on
I designed a portion of the Applied Mathematics web site that provides
information about departmental computing resources to users within the
department. (Pages not available outside the department.) This
portion of the web site is a frame-based guide that
Last modified: Thu Jul 4 19:10:27 CDT 2002